
It's Complicated - The Starting Point For Healthy Relationships

April 24, 2022 Series: It's Complicated

Topic: Relationships

It's Complicated | The Starting Point for Healthy Relationships | Matt Carlson

Relationships are a mixed bag. There is so much blessing and goodness we experience through relationships. In their healthiest form, our relationships are the avenues of grace that God provides us with that we might receive His love through other people. But relationships are also the place where we can experience our deepest wounding, rejection, hurt, and frustration. Whether it’s a friend, spouse, parent, sibling, roommate, boss or a co-worker, chances are, we’ve all experienced complications with them, and they’ve experienced complications with us. Scripture isn't silent on the topic of relationships. The theme of relationship is woven throughout the Bible and offers us help and hope. Join us for week 1 of this series as we look at our starting point, the ONE relationship that sets up the rest. The one relationship we all have, that for many people can seem complicated: our relationship with God.


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